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Web Development Services

Web Design and Development
Every website should be appealing and have user friendly navigation, but it also should be developed with marketing and communications as a priority. Determine what you and your customers want from your website, and design a website that not only provides customer service solutions but encourages repeat customer visits. Target marketing can be accomplished with online resources, search engine optimization, and search engine marketing tools.

Website Design
Visuals are important, and the Internet is no exception- in fact, the appearance of your site can be extremely important. A website that is aesthetically pleasing draws people in and can even make them want to visit again. Content organization, logo design, color scheme- all of the design elements that make up your website work together to create a site that is not only functional but attractive.

Content Management Products
Take control of your website ! Now you can add and manage information to your website from any computer. Add information such as PDF's. photos, news and articles, calendar of events, and more. With password protected access, adding content to your website is easy.
Search Engine Optimization
Your website is pointless if nobody knows it exists. Nearly 50% of all Internet users search for products and vendors by search engines*, so your site must be built for optimal indexing in those search engines and directories. Efficient site construction, appropriate titles and HTML reference tags, and effective copy and content can ensure that your site is best suited for spidering and inclusion in the popular search engines.

Internet Marketing
Optimizing your site for search engine indexing is only part of driving traffic to your site. A full marketing campaign on the web is important and necessary to get the exposure your site needs. Email marketing, Pay-Per-Click services, online directories and resources will all contribute to increased customer traffic.

Dynamic Database Development
A website must be functional to be truly successful. Whether it's a dynamic photo gallery displaying your products, an online shopping cart, or a client login section, we can customize a database system to suit your needs.

* Data taken from Overture.com
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